Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Summit's almost here...

The Wisconsin Library Visioning Summit (officially, the Strategic Visioning Summit on the Future of the Library) starts at 10am Monday morning (tomorrow!) at the Heidel House in sunny Green Lake.

If you're curious about who will be there, there's a 7-page PDF list of attendees.

Monday morning's keynote will be given by Jamie LaRue, Director of Libraries in Douglas County, Colorado. Jamie writes and speaks all over the place and we're delighted to have him in Wisconsin.

We'll be hearing Monday evening from David Ward of NorthStar Economics (and soon to be interim chancellor at UWGB). Ward just gave the keynote at WAPL about the Economic Impact of Public Libraries study (it's an 86-page PDF).

And the rest of the time, we'll be talking about a vision for Wisconsin's libraries....

Wish us luck...

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Welcome to the blog for the Wisconsin Library Visioning Summit. The Summit will be held on May 5-6, 2008 at the Heidel House in Green Lake, WI.

This blog is intended to be a forum for informal communication before, during, and after the Summit. So -- chime in!